this was the first time I switch to the AJE channel @ channel 513 with great enthusiasm and not just surfing through. This weeks episode 101 east was recorded with abdullah's son-in-law khairy, de facto law minister nazri and also the hero HAKAM's president Malik Imtiazz (edited thanks chris) with Teymoor Nabili as the host and also the middleman.
Basically it's a 2 V 1 challenge with alot of extra footage that have never reach Malaysian public media. From what i can see anwar is just plain old with his hairline going further and further back and also the phone interview with information minister zainudin maidin that was made famous because of his powderful english.
they started off with the roadblocks and somehow with some twist and turns nazri did tried to say that its the demonstration that is the root cause for KL stopping in the middle of the hustle and bustle of a saturday morning. however i do wanna clarify this up, I've been stuck in the fooking jam when we went to pahang and it was far worst when we were coming back during the evening, what we got was a terrific jam that stretch until the bounds of pahang.
What i did in pahang is another story will blog about it later =D but some would say that i'm not patriotic but seeing life from a reporter's point of view had made me think and rehink maybe all these are just mere sandiwara but 40,000 people does prove that something is very very wrong with our constitution.
speaking about solidarity, strong solidarity in our country? my answer is a big NO
he too handled the interview with teymoor quite well too, but this damn racist provocator is not any material to run the country. When he can rally right in front of the myammar embassy, opposition parties are not allowed to just send a memorandum to his majesty. what the fuk was that when you yelling out this is a democracy country?
On speaking about the excessive force and police brutality used by the police, nazri retaliated by saying that there is no police brutality reported to the authorities and Malaysia on that time is under scrutiny by the whole world so they must control their actions. So do you mean when there's no media coverage police can do whatever they like and even detonating people with explosives in the Altantuya case?
*on a side note, a colleague of mine wet to a local hospital today to pay a visit to a victim of police brutality during the rally, he was being stomped on and his leg was just injured and being warded in the hospital, you and i know how serious it is la.
finally al-jazeera used a copy of NST *prouds* but the proud feeling just ends there when they used it as an example on the reporting of the rally which is just a small piece whereas it was the biggest rally ever in the Malaysian history, maybe guinness world record rip off malaysia book of record can have a mention on it. Nazri said that the press is free to report anything they deemed important but in the out of the studio world it is definitely the other way round where an official press statement was issued by the government and publications are instructed to run the story playing the numbers and facts down. Imagine how true can that be, 40,000 - 4,000?
On a final note, there is really a serious flaw in our system but still our ministers are still in a state of denial where they are still denying that there is anything wrong with our constitution.
just to clarify, malik imtiaz is the president of HAKAM (National Human Rights Society), not Suhakam (Human Rights Commission Malaysia), which is seen to be less credible.
oh ya thanks eh chris =)
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