Monday, September 24, 2007


Look what came into the mail that day
NSTP addressed to me, sounds good eh since I applied for a 3 months internship stint with them and got a reply letter would be great right. Well it was what i expected but hey dreams come true but well in reality it's a dog eat dog world everyone is trying to get the best out of everyone minimizing their potential cost. Gonna be reporting in to Bangsar on Oct 1st but hey it doesn't sound that bad ma but well lan ciao la after u see the second picture.
hoho my first official letter addressed to me


there is always terms and conditons which pull us
literally stopping us in our tracks



aiyar ok la for the experience right? Just for the experience nvm nvm RM15 pun suda cukup boleh makan ahahahahahha

nothing much just another random posting to rant. I'm gonna be so pokkai soon, so if there's anyone out there who pity me do donate to the "Han is Poor Fund". =D

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